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Following Tracks

"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time" - C.S Elliot

Even though it's important to trailblaze our own path in the world, sometimes we need to observe the tracks of others, maybe even follow them a little way before we take off in our own direction.


My favourite stories are told by others about their adventures, explorations and travels. They make me feel excited for life, and as if my own possibilities are infinite. And they are, and so are yours.


To write about an experience is one of the most wonderful things, it helps you to re-live a memory with vibrancy. You can remember the way it felt to escape the humidity by plunging into the cold sea, or the smell of the rainforest, emanating up from the damp soil.


But your tracks don’t have to be left in exotic places to be interesting. Some of my most exciting adventures have been on camping trips in England, or on walks near my house.


I would love to hear your stories, and I hope that you enjoy hearing mine.


Please send me a pitch in the contact section, and I will get back to you. 

To our adventures, big and small,


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